About Me
For over 15 years I have been training with various teachers from around the world for the purpose of healing and learning about the mind. I embarked on a journey of personal empowerment and learning how to create a joyful life aligned with my highest ideals.
At several points I experienced catalytic events that propelled me forward. One of these was a mystical experience that occurred during a dream I had when I was 18 years old. What was explained to me and what I physically experienced during this dream (and for several days afterwards) caused me to deeply examine and question what I thought I knew about life and how to be happy. As a result I took stock of my decisions, redefined my priorities and, with the aim of experiencing more of those higher states of being I had glimpsed, committed to following my inner guidance. This changed my path irrevocably; the lasting insights it provided allowed me to move forward in a new direction, culminating in a deeper, much more fulfilling experience of life.
About Me
For over 15 years I have been training with various teachers from around the world for the purpose of healing and learning about the mind. I embarked on a journey of personal empowerment and learning how to create a joyful life aligned with my highest ideals.
At several points I experienced catalytic events that propelled me forward. One of these was a mystical experience that occurred during a dream I had when I was 18 years old. What was explained to me and what I physically experienced during this dream (and for several days afterwards) caused me to deeply examine and question what I thought I knew about life and how to be happy. As a result I took stock of my decisions, redefined my priorities and, with the aim of experiencing more of those higher states of being I had glimpsed, committed to following my inner guidance. This changed my path irrevocably; the lasting insights it provided allowed me to move forward in a new direction, culminating in a deeper, much more fulfilling experience of life.
About Me
For over 15 years I have been training with various teachers from around the world for the purpose of healing and learning about the mind. I embarked on a journey of personal empowerment and learning how to create a joyful life aligned with my highest ideals.
At several points I experienced catalytic events that propelled me forward. One of these was a mystical experience that occurred during a dream I had when I was 18 years old. What was explained to me and what I physically experienced during this dream (and for several days afterwards) caused me to deeply examine and question what I thought I knew about life and how to be happy. As a result I took stock of my decisions, redefined my priorities, and – with the aim of experiencing more of those higher states of being I had glimpsed – committed to following my inner guidance. This changed my path irrevocably; the lasting insights it provided allowed me to move forward in a new direction, culminating in a deeper, much more fulfilling experience of life.
Experience & Training
Initially I trained and worked as a Pharmacy Technician in rural and hospital settings. Over the years I continued to feel pulled to expand my understanding of the human condition and especially the relationship between our energy, mind and body and the creation of our personal reality. Over the course of this journey I attended workshops/events/trainings with a variety of teachers and organisations. Included in these are: Vipassana Meditation (S. N. Goenka), Judy Satori (Mastery of Mind and other workshops), my mother Julia Biermann (Healing Through Sound Workshops), Polykala (Adaptive Leadership Training), Eckhart Tolle, Frederic Cherri (Practitioner and Advanced Training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy), Dr. Joe Dispenza, D. C. (Progressive and Advanced Meditation Workshops), and Lorna Byrne.
In my work I draw on skills and insights I have gained through these workshops/trainings, my personal experiences and research, and from my own application of the teachings of authors and practitioners such as: Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D., Peter A. Levine, Ph.D., Seth (Jane Roberts), Abraham (Esther & Jerry Hicks), Byron Katie, Michael Singer, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Gregg Braden, Anita Moorjani, Anthony William (Medical Medium), Tony Robbins, Brene Brown and others.
My Focus
I have a deep belief in unlimited possibility and the potential of the human being. For as long as I can remember I have been driven by the desire to improve the quality of my life experience and also that of others. I am a big supporter of authentic, practical, empowering insights and practices, for body, mind and soul. I focus on teachings/methods that are universal, loving, applicable and effective. My intuition, clairsentience and connection to universal energy are the backbone for my approach when working with clients. I trust in my inner knowing that we have a powerful, eternal soul and free will; that love, intention and our connection to the whole is what enables us, if we choose, to reach incredible heights of human experience.
My Focus
I have a deep belief in unlimited possibility and the potential of the human being. For as long as I can remember I have been driven by the desire to improve the quality of my life experience and also that of others. I am a big supporter of authentic, practical, empowering insights and practices, for body, mind and soul. I focus on teachings/methods that are universal, loving, applicable and effective. My intuition, clairsentience and connection to universal energy are the backbone for my approach when working with clients. I trust in my inner knowing that we have a powerful, eternal soul and free will; that love, intention and our connection to the whole is what enables us, if we choose, to reach incredible heights of human experience.
My Focus
I have a deep belief in unlimited possibility and the potential of the human being. For as long as I can remember I have been driven by the desire to improve the quality of my life experience and also that of others. I am a big supporter of authentic, practical, empowering insights and practices, for body, mind and soul. I focus on teachings/methods that are universal, loving, applicable and effective. My intuition, clairsentience and connection to universal energy are the backbone for my approach when working with clients. I trust in my inner knowing that we have a powerful, eternal soul and free will; that love, intention and our connection to the whole is what enables us, if we choose, to reach incredible heights of human experience.
My Path
From a young age I sensed within me what felt like faded memories of extraordinary possibilities, yet where was the evidence for them in my life? I developed a burning desire to make sense of the world and to close the gap between what I felt could be and what was. I wanted to know: What is truth? Is there a reason, pattern or design behind our personal experiences? What is the purpose of life? What are the mechanics of our universe and our consciousness? How far does the human potential extend? These questions, among many others, lead me on a journey of discovery about life, but ultimately about myself.
By the time I was 18 years old I was going through a period of intense disillusionment and despair, my own ‘dark night of the soul’. I remember asking myself: “Is this really it? Is this all I came here to experience?” On a deep level I came to know I was an eternal being and that my soul willingly chose to come here to experience life in physical form. I believed life was inherently good. I reasoned therefore, that we must have been given the ability to be creative and happy here. I knew there must be a formula, a truth I could grasp, one which I could use to move out of my unwanted experience and into the experience that I did want of joy and freedom.
Since then I have continued pursuing this core knowing, researching, learning and evolving. I tested, applied and continue to apply many understandings/methods such as consciously choosing my thoughts/beliefs and becoming aware of and healing my energy field.
Through this process I enabled myself to overcome many intense personal challenges in the areas of health, career, spirituality, personal relationships and most of all the relationship I have with myself and life. The foundational principle I used to guide my decisions was that any thought I did take on as part of my belief structure would be aligned with love, freedom and the oneness of life.
I work to personally embody more of this vision and to support a new way of living which is focussed around our ability to create our lives on purpose and in harmony with our inner being/soul. It is my understanding that we are vibrational beings living in – and infinitely connected to – a vibrational universe, and that our experience is governed by the interaction between universal laws and the conscious and subconscious focus of our energy (thought energy). By understanding these natural laws and how they interact with the different levels of our energy being we can begin to recognise the path to true freedom for our bodies, minds and souls.
My aim is to inspire and uplift others in their process of freeing themselves by providing clear, useful insights and grounded, practical methods to assist them on their journey of self-empowerment.