
Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to FAQs under the following categories: Services offered, What to expect, Appointments, Preparing for your appointment, Payments and pricing and How to make contact. If you haven’t found your answer below please feel welcome to get in touch via the contact form.

Services offered:

How can this work support me?2020-03-31T16:21:22+13:00

I can support you with the following:

  • Becoming aware of your thought patterns and deeper emotional layers and how they are showing up in and create your life.
  • Improving your physical health.
  • Improving your emotional well-being.
  • Improving your relationship with yourself and others.
  • Self-empowerment so that you feel confident to make the changes in your life you wish to make.
  • Learning tools and methods to overcome challenges in your life.
  • Learning to use meditation and visualisation effectively.
  • Understanding universal laws such as the Law of Attraction and how to apply this understanding.
  • Understanding the nature of your mind and thought energy and the powerful role they play in creating your life.
  • Achieving goals you have set for yourself.
  • Becoming more spiritually aware.
  • Opening your heart to love and be loved.
What is clairsentience?2020-03-31T16:23:28+13:00

Clairsentience can be described as the ability to sense, feel and interpret the energy field of another person, location or thing. It is based on the understanding that everything is a form of energy and that certain indiviuals have the ability to ‘read’ or ‘perceive’ this energy using their heightened sensory awareness.
I use this ability to feel and sense the energetic patterns/emotions you may carry in order to better assist you in identifying them and use this to help you make sense of your current situation and the patterns turning up in your life experience. This is important as many of the patterns we carry are unconscious (we don’t know we carry them) and it is incredibly helpful for us to become conscious of our underlying patterns if we wish to change ourselves and our lives.

What to expect:

What can I expect from my appointment? What about confidentiality?2020-03-31T16:26:49+13:00

Any personal information that is discussed during your appointment is confidential.
I work from a place of integrity, presence, honesty and respect. During the session I encourage you to integrate only what resonates with you. Sometimes recognising unhelpful patterns and taking responsibility can be a challenge. I feel privileged to guide and support you in recognising and overcoming these challenges and reaching your goals.

How and where does the appointment take place?2020-03-31T16:25:46+13:00

All sessions will take place in an online format using the Zoom communication/conferencing platform, which means that you will need stable access to an internet connection for the duration of the appointment. Once you have booked and paid for your appointment you will automatically be sent a confirmation email and a link to your Zoom meeting/appointment. To give you a few minutes to familiarise yourself with the virtual meeting set up, please ensure you download the Zoom Application onto your electronic device and login at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment time (especially is this is the first time you are using Zoom); this will also ensure that you can attend your appointment on time.

For details on how to join your Zoom meeting/appointment please see the FAQ “How do I join my Zoom meeting/appointment?” found under the FAQ category: Preparing for your appointment.

What takes place during an appointment?2020-03-31T16:27:53+13:00

Each session is unique and my approach and answer(s) will depend on your questions and needs at the time.
To answer questions and provide helpful insights I draw on my clairsentient ability and the insights I have gained through my training and my personal experiences of overcoming my own challenges in health, relationships, career and spirituality.

This may be in the form of:

  • Sharing my own understanding of your situation and how it relates to universal law.
  • Helping you to understand where you can become more aware of limiting/unconscious patterns of thought and emotion that are affecting your life now.
  • Teaching you how to release these limiting beliefs or emotions using tools I have used successfully myself.
  • Assisting you to align yourself with new, empowering possibilities for your life.
  • Working with you to help you become aware of your core values and goals in life.
  • Sharing helpful strategies and methods that you can apply to achieve your goals.


How do I book an appointment?2020-03-31T18:33:50+13:00

To book an appointment please visit the Book Appointment page of this website and book using the scheduling tool provided. You can find the link here or you can click on the Book Appointment tab in the main menu.

How long does an appointment take? Can I specify a time period?2020-03-31T18:32:50+13:00

Your appointment time will be determined by the appointment length/type you select from within the scheduling tool.
Generally appointments are for one hour (60 minutes) to a maximum of one and a half hours or (90 minutes) unless otherwise arranged.

Can I book a follow-up appointment or multiple appointments at one time?2020-03-31T18:31:45+13:00

You may at any time choose to book a follow-up appointment or multiple appointments using the scheduling tool on the Book Appointment page of this website. You can access this here.

What type of appointments are there? Online or in-person?2020-03-31T16:32:10+13:00

Currently online appointments are the only available appointment type (in-person appointments are currently unavailable). These are conducted using Zoom, a platform for online communication/video conferencing/meetings.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?2020-04-05T17:27:53+12:00

You can reschedule or cancel your appointment up to 72 hours prior to your booked appointment time using the link provided in your booking confirmation email. This link will redirect you to the scheduling tool which will enable you to either reschedule or cancel your appointment.
You will not be able to make any changes to your booking in the 72 hours prior to your appointment time. In the event that you become aware within these 72 hours that you cannot attend your appointment please notify us using the contact form or by emailing: contact@nyssahutton.com. You will be charged in full for your appointment (whether you attend it or not) if it has not been cancelled or rescheduled prior to 72 hours before your appointment time.
Rescheduling: If you have rescheduled your appointment please use the Zoom meeting link provided in the newly sent confirmation email to attend your newly chosen appointment.

A refund for an appointment cancelled more than 72 hours before the appointment time: If you cancel your appointment more than 72 hours before your appointment time then any payment you have made for that appointment will be refunded to you via electronic transfer.
Important note regarding refunds: there can be no cancellations or changes made to your booked appointment time in the 72 hours prior to your appointment and the appointment will have to be paid in full whether you can attend or not (ie. there are no appointment fee refunds possible from 72 hours prior to your appointment if you unexpectedly cannot attend the appointment).

I live in a different time zone, how can I make sure that I pick the right appointment time?2020-03-31T16:30:26+13:00

When you book your appointment please make sure to select the correct time zone/location you will be in for the dates you are considering for your appointment. You will see this option (with drop down menu showing possible time zones) within the scheduling tool in the bottom corner of the scheduling window.

Important: Selecting the correct time zone you will be in for your preffered appointment is essential, as the calendar will then show you the available appointment times for your selected date in the local time of the time zone you select.

I can’t find an appointment time that works for me, what do I do?2020-04-23T19:36:33+12:00

If it is not possible for you to find an appointment time that works for you within the available times listed in the scheduling tool then please get in touch via the contact form specifying your requested time and date (please provide multiple dates/timeframes that will work for you in your time zone). We may be able to find another solution/time that will work for you. This will only work under certain circumstances due to time zone and schedule restrictions, so where possible, please choose from the times listed within the scheduling tool.

Preparing for your appointment:

Ideas for questions and topics that may be helpful to ask about.2020-03-31T18:35:26+13:00
  • How do I recognise what my purpose in life is?
  • What is a universal law?
  • What is the Law of Attraction?
  • How does the Law of Attraction actually work and how does it apply to my life?
  • What can I do to support or improve
    – my health?
    – my relationship(s)?
    – my professional life?
    – my spiritual growth?
    – my financial stability or independence?
  • What is meditation and how can it help me?
  • I’m feeling really discouraged, what can I do to feel more motivated to improve my situation?
  • The main challenge in my life right now is: ………………….. .  What can I become aware of to create positive change in this situation?
  • How can I become more aware of myself and my emotions?
  • What can I do to manage my energy and focus better?
  • How can I bring more flow and ease into my life, especially in the arena of …………………?
  • I have a challenge in my life but I don’t know what is causing it, what energy or emotional pattern is helping to create this in my life?
  • How can I create the romantic relationship I wish for?
  • Why do I keep feeling like ……………………… and what can I do to change this?
  • I have a challenge with a person in my life who  ‘………………’ , how can I overcome this challenge?
  • I have trouble making decisions, how can I get better at this?
  • How can I improve my relationship with my intuition or inner guidance?
How can I prepare for my appointment?2020-03-31T18:37:53+13:00

To set a clear intention and focus for your appointment, please prepare and bring with you a list of questions or topics which you would like to explore and list them in order of priority. The more specific these questions and topics are the more specific the answers and assistance can be. This list is for you, and will assist you in becoming clearer about what is important to you. If you need some inspiration you can find suggestions for questions/topics under the FAQ ‘Ideas for questions and topics that may be helpful to ask about’.

Important: Before your appointment please ensure that your electronic device from which you will join your online Zoom meeting/appointment has sufficient battery charge or access to power and a stable internet connection for the duration of your appointment; this will help to ensure that you can get the most from your session.

This time is for you, so I encourage you to do your best to ensure that you will not be disturbed during this appointment. A glass of water, headset, tissues, pen and some notepaper for taking notes may also become helpful. In general, do your best to make sure you have whatever you need to feel comfortable and at ease.

How do I join my Zoom meeting/appointment?2020-05-05T16:38:44+12:00

To login to your session/meeting please use the link found in your appointment confirmation email sent to you containing your Zoom Meeting ID & password or Personal Link Name.

You can also join your meeting/appointment via the Zoom website by entering in your Zoom Meeting ID & Password or Personal Link Name (sent to you in your confirmation email) directly into the login form provided on the “Join a Meeting” page found on the Zoom website here.
To download the Zoom Application to your electronic device you can visit the Zoom website here and select the appropriate download option for your device.

You can find detailed video instructions on how to join your Zoom meeting under the following link: Joining a meeting.

Payments and pricing:

What is the fee for an appointment?2020-03-31T18:34:40+13:00

The cost of an appointment depends on the duration and type of the appointment you select within the scheduling tool. Next to each appointment type within the scheduling tool is listed the fee for that appointment type. Please note that all fees are shown in US Dollars (USD$). To view available appointment types and their associated fee please click here to visit the scheduling tool found on the Book Appointment page of this website.

How do I pay for my appointment? How is my payment processed?2020-03-31T18:38:42+13:00

Appointments are paid in advance at the time of booking using one of two payment processing systems which are integrated into the scheduling tool (Stripe or Paypal). This means that you will be directed to transfer your payment (either via credit card payment using the Stripe payment system or via Paypal) from within the scheduling software directly after you schedule your appointment.

Paying with Stripe: If you select “Pay Now” as your preferred payment option the scheduling tool will process your payment using Stripe. Your transaction is encrypted and secured. All information, including your credit card information, is transferred to Stripe only over HTTPS with up to 256-bit encryption. The servers used to process your payment are verified PCI compliant (PCI stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). Additionally, your credit card information is not stored on the servers of Acuity Scheduling (a Squarespace company).

Paying with Paypal:
If you select “Pay with Paypal” as your preferred payment option the scheduling tool will temporarily redirect you to Paypal where you can securely perform the transaction.

For more information about Stripe, click here.
For more information about Paypal, click here.
For more information about Acuity Scheduling, click here.

How to make contact:

How can I contact Nyssa?2020-03-31T18:37:07+13:00

To send feedback or to get in touch, please feel welcome to use the contact form. You can find the contact form by clicking here or by clicking on the Contact tab in the main menu.  Alternatively you may email: contact@nyssahutton.com.

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